3. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. Which blockchain networks are supported by the Nujan IDE? 

- Nujan IDE currently supports the TON network, and we are actively working to add support for other blockchain networks in the near future.

  2. How do I deploy smart contracts using the Nujan IDE?

 - For comprehensive deployment instructions, please refer to the dedicated deployment page available in our documentation.

  3. Can I test smart contracts before deploying them to the mainnet? 

- Yes, Nujan IDE provides developers with multiple testing options. You can seamlessly test your smart contracts in the Sandbox and TestNet environments, as well as execute unit tests for thorough validation.

  4. Is the Nujan IDE web-based or downloadable?

 - Nujan IDE is a user-friendly, web-based platform that allows you to access and develop your smart contracts effortlessly, without the need for any downloads or installations.

  5. Does the IDE support multiple programming languages for smart contract development? 

- Presently, Nujan IDE supports FUNC language, a powerful and versatile choice for smart contract development. Our team is actively planning to introduce support for additional programming languages in future updates.

  6. Is the Nujan IDE suitable for beginners or more suitable for experienced developers?
 - Nujan IDE caters to both aspiring beginners and seasoned developers. Our user-friendly interface and comprehensive features empower newcomers while offering advanced tools and functionalities for experienced professionals.

  7. Can I download my project locally?
 - Absolutely! Nujan IDE facilitates easy project download, allowing you to store your work locally for added convenience and backup.

  8. Can I import contracts from Github or Local storage?
 - Yes, Nujan IDE provides seamless integration with Github and supports importing contracts from your local storage, enabling effortless collaboration and enhanced productivity.

  9. Can I verify contracts directly from the IDE?
 - Contract verification directly from the IDE is a feature currently under development. We are diligently working to introduce this functionality soon. Stay tuned for exciting updates and enhancements.

Last updated